Frequently Asked Questions

Can I talk to someone about the course before I book on one?

Yes, please complete the contact form, and we will ring you back.

Where will the courses be held face to face?

We are looking at a range of accessible venues in the Hull and East Riding area.

Will there be refreshments and food available?

We will be providing drinks throughout for the face-to-face courses, along with a healthy lunch for the full and half day courses. Please let us know if you have any specific requirements or allergies, or if you would prefer, please bring your own.

Can I book on the Zoom call if I live outside of the area?

Yes, the Zoom courses will be available to anyone.

Are you offering courses just for women or men?

Yes, please let us know via the contact form if you would prefer this and or people with the same diagnosis if possible.

How long will I have to wait to join a course?

This is dependent upon numbers and if you are interested in a face-to-face course or via Zoom. We will discuss this with you at point of registration.

How many people will be on a course?

Groups will be small, with no more than 8 people in any group.

What does the course cost?

We would ask for a registration fee of £25 to cover some of the costs of the printing, postage, venue hire & refreshments, however we would welcome any additional ‘pay forward’ donation of your choice, to enable the course to be available to many others in the future, but only if you are able to do this.

Can I train to become a facilitator?

Yes, we will be looking to train more people with lived experience to join the facilitation team to be able to offer more courses to people. Please complete the contact form and we will ring you back to talk further on what you would need to do and understand how much time you could offer.

How can I donate to your charity?

It’s easy, just click the donate button and this money will go directly into our bank account. This will enable more courses to be offered to people at minimal costs for the individuals.

Can you provide this course as part of a return-to-work package for employees in our organisation?

Yes, we would love to work with you, to be able to offer this to your employees as part of their return-to-work package after a cancer diagnosis. Please complete the contact form and we will ring you back to discuss your needs and costs further.